June 2019 - Future.Travel delivered 90 bicycles to poor students in Ca Mau province, Vietnam.

12 Jul, 2019

Sometimes it is the little things you do that make the most impact.

Everytime someone buys a ticket online at Future.Travel, we donate the first dollars on the sale to helping others. We invited you, our customers, to join us in helping others through a self-set, voluntary donation. While some did not join us, we still donated a little bit from each booking to help a child to get to school for the next few years.

Your booking tickets through Future.Travel, along with your personalised donations, generated enough funds to purchase 90 bicycles for children to be able to ‘get to school’ without having to walk or depend on a parent to deliver them. To be eligible for a bicycle the child had to live at least 2 klm (1.2 miles) from the school, needed to walk in both directions each day, and the family income had to be less than $200.00 per year (about $0.50/day).

Your good choices pay dividends. The parents and children thank you, as do we at Future.Travel. Your choice of merchant when buying online can make a difference to someones future.