August 2018 - 300 school bags for poor student in southern Vietnam

28 Aug, 2018

Little things pay dividends…like buying a ticket at Future.Travel

Boy with glasses Children smiles with school bag
Students raise their hands School bags are ready Student with school bags

With a little effort todays children can become tomorrows great super stars of humanity, arts, science, and the global community.  For some they just need a little help to get them on a path to achievement. Help this week came to 300 children from 10 schools in southern Vietnam as they received school packs from Future.Travel and friends.

Every time you bought a ticket from Future.Travel we automatically set a little aside to help those in need. Some of you joined us in the donation of opportunity by adding a little bit more from your own pocket. Your good choice of purchasing on the Future.Travel website has allowed some children the chance to have the basic essentials for school… a bag, writing pads for lessons, pencils, and coloured pencils. It does not sound like much but it is the world to them. Some children had never had a backpack so needed ‘instruction’ to get them on for the first time. What they did not have trouble with was a huge smile of ‘thank you’.

Your choice to purchase on Future.Travel was translated to kindness and was rewarded in smiles and a chance for greatness by a lot of children and their families. Thank you from them, and thank you from Future.Travel for making the opportunity possible to make a difference in someones life.


David Watson
General Director